Managing Your Workplace Retirement Plans

About 80 million Americans actively participate in employer-sponsored defined contribution plans such as 401(k), 403(b), and 457(b) plans.1 If you are among this group, you’ve taken a big step on the road to retirement, but as with any investment, it’s important that you understand your plan and what it can do for you. Here are a […]

How to Choose the Best IRA for Beginners

An IRA is an “independent retirement account” typically used by small businesses and individuals who don’t have a retirement plan through their employers. An IRA is a very effective way to save money for retirement. It lets you diversify investments, and you can either handpick those investments, work with an advisor, or choose a collection […]

RIA vs. Wirehouse

RIA vs. Wirehouse – The Fiduciary standard, and why one embraces it while the other (still) fights against it. Much has been written recently about the fiduciary standard, which requires that advisors place the interests of their clients above their own. Boiling down the hundreds of articles, op-ed pieces, official statements and professional debates, what […]

Planning for Retirement: Should You Hire a Retirement Advisor?

Many people underestimate the importance of a retirement advisor in personal financial planning. The truth is, having your finances in order is key to the stress-free retirement period that many don’t achieve. In a 2019 retirement survey, 45 percent of Americans said they had zero savings for retirement. Another 19 percent revealed they were likely […]

9 Key Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor

You spent a long time saving your funds to create an investment portfolio. You want to ensure that the funds grow, and you enjoy a long retirement. Here is what you should ask a financial advisor. When you went to find a financial advisor, you didn’t realize that there were so many available. It’s beneficial […]

Fiduciaries: What Is a Fiduciary? 6 Key Takeaways

When you hear the word “fiduciary” you may think of something to do with money. And while the word “fiduciary” does often get used in financial contexts, the term deals with much more than just money. In fact, a fiduciary’s role is based in a trusting relationship with their clients, rather than a financial one.  […]

How to Know When You Need a Financial Advisor

Making sound investments during your money-making years is a key goal that can ease your transition into retirement. Accumulating capital can also open the door to buying a house, making some other significant purchase, or investing in an attractive business venture.  The person who can help you make these things happen is a financial advisor. […]

Examining the Differences Between Financial Advisors and Financial Planners

Seeking help in reaching your financial goals can put you on the track to success. You’ll encounter numerous experts as you search for the ideal professional to assist with your financial decisions, so learning how each type can benefit you is essential. The terms financial advisor and financial planner are often used interchangeably, but the […]

Why Working With a Fiduciary Advisor Can Provide the Best Financial Outcomes

Fiduciary advisors discussing finances with their client’s best interest in mind

Hiring an expert to help manage your finances is a vital decision for your future. Many financial experts have lengthy industry track records and have assisted countless clients in reaching their financial goals.  There are multiple advisor types in the field, however, and you should be aware of the differences as you select a professional […]

The Fiduciary Rule

The High Standard That Large Wirehouses Have Fought to Avoid for Decades By now you may have heard of the Fiduciary Rule. Of course, if your financial advisor is already a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), it’s likely you already know that your advisor is held to the fiduciary standard, as defined by the Federal government […]