Webinars & Videos
Watch educational webinars and video presentations from Advisor Growth Track associates

Financial Basics for Millennials | AGT Presentation
In this video, AGT Associate Nate Vandemeulebroecke explains some financial basics pertaining to millennials, including building a budget, establishing an emergency fund, managing debt, borrowing money, and more.

Credit and Investing 101 | AGT Presentation
For Financial Literacy Month in April 2024, watch AGT associate Victoria Holcom’s presentation on Credit and Investing 101. Learn the basics in this introduction to credit scores and reports, savings accounts, investment accounts, and retirement planning.

Personal Finance 101 | AGT Presentation
For Financial Literacy Month in April 2024, watch AGT associate Luke Leonard’s presentation on Personal Finance 101. Learn the basics of personal finance in this introduction to monthly budgets, bank accounts, credit, taxes, and more.

Introduction to Advisor Growth Track (AGT)
Here’s a glimpse into the Advisor Growth Track program powered by Bogart Wealth, a professional growth and training program for both emerging talent and experienced financial advisors that takes place in conjunction with employment at Bogart Wealth. Each year, a handful of professionals are enrolled in the AGT program with the goal of learning what it’s like to work “all the stations” in a successful and growing financial services firm.